Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Keeping it Cool in Hard Times

HOPE Helps, Inc. has 16 employees who keep the Thrift Store, Food Pantry and Administrative offices up and running! Each employee has their own interactions with HOPE clients. These experiences are often what fuel their motivation to relentlessly pursue HOPE's mission of helping individuals and families in crisis. The following is an example of one of those interactions. 

I spend most of my time at HOPE working with on the computer systems that keep HOPE running (and unclogging the occasional toilet), so I don’t have much interaction with the people who are the real reason for HOPE’s existence:  The individuals and families who turn to us for help in a time of crisis. However, over the last several months, I've been delivering food to one of these individuals as part of Hope’s HENS (Hope Emergency Network Support) program.  A volunteer effort to provide food and home repair services to Hope’s clientele.

I first met Lisa when I started delivering a weekly food package to her and her family in Chuluota.  My original intent was to just be a temporary ‘fill-in’ driver until we could find a volunteer who lived in that area to take on the ‘chore’.  Well, ‘temporary’ is a flexible term here at HOPE.

It didn’t take too many visits before I wasn’t looking at the deliveries as a chore, but insteadBill delivering food to Lisa, a HENS client at HOPE Helps, Inc. an opportunity to be a friend and to bring some joy into the lives of this sweet lady and her family.  They live in the older part of Chuluota, and are without transportation.  Their house is run-down, but the yard is neatly kept.  I really don’t know much about how they came to be in their present situation, but that’s not what this is about.  The first thing that struck me about Lisa is that, even in her situation, she is always thankful for what she has, and even tries to help out her neighbors who are facing more difficult circumstances.

A couple of weeks ago, Lisa’s refrigerator died, forcing her to rely on a neighbor to store their perishable food and her insulin (yes, Lisa is diabetic).  When I found out about this, I was moved to try to find a replacement.  I didn’t say anything to Lisa, as I didn’t want her to get her hopes up.  As it turned out, one of the HOPE staff members had an old refrigerator in their garage, so we made arrangements to pick it up and deliver it to Lisa’s home.
When we got to her house, no one was at home, but a neighbor called Lisa and told her, “Come home right now!”  About 10 minutes later, she came pedaling her bicycle up the street.  As she saw us waiting by her front door, you could see her face light up as she started pedaling faster.  She was so excited!  The day before was her birthday, and I had sent her a note saying I would be bringing a ‘little birthday treat’.  The refrigerator was probably the best present she could have hoped for, and gave me the opportunity to be on the ‘front-lines’ in HOPE’s service to the community.

Just seeing the joy in Lisa’s face at this unexpected gift really brought home to me what HOPE is all about:  Being able to brighten someone’s day by the help and love we can provide when they are in need.


Monday, September 10, 2012

A Determined Client Receives Life Changing Help From HOPE!

A client came in for an intake two weeks ago. This client was recently out of jail and was newly homeless. The client was living on couches, in hospital waiting room, in the woods, and bouncing from shelter to shelter. He came in seeking any type of assistance that our organization could provide and was very determined to turn his current situation into a positive one. 

After meeting with him I could determine that he needed some immediate items that we were able to offer him. Through the organization I was able to provide him with clothing (shirts, shorts, shoes, and socks), sign him up for the pantry, provide him with toiletry type items (lip balm and lotion), give him bus passes, a travel bag to store his items, and help provide funding for him to stay at one consistent shelter rather than jumping from shelter to shelter. He was asking for very little and was very grateful for whatever we were able to offer him. 

This client is one of the most determined people I have worked with. He shares the common goal that this organization has in creating a life of self-sufficiency. For the two weeks that I have known this client he has constantly stated that he has goals and wants to achieve those goals and return to a normal life and not be reliant on any social service agency. The client recently contacted me with the positive news that he is newly employed and receiving full-time hours. He is working during the day and staying at a shelter at night. We continue to talk about how this current situation will change and he will eventually move out of the shelter and move into a place of his own. 

From first meeting this client with virtually nothing to his name to his and looking at him now newly employed, the future is bright and this success story will continue to grow. Through the help of the resource center this client was able to receive the necessary items to help keep him encouraged and make sure there weren’t any road blocks disallowing him to accomplish his goal of self-sufficiency.

–Jimmy H.
Resource Intern

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

New Shoes and a New Point of View

This year's Back to School Bash was a huge success. The community came together to provide hundreds of children with the supplies they needed for a great first day of school. An impact was made not only on the children but on the volunteers who participated in the event as well. Below is a story we received from a volunteer. 
I had the honor of being a shepherd/volunteer for HOPE at the back to school bash this year. One 10 year old boy touched my heart forever! He was very excited and talking while walking to his car with all of his new stuff. The little boy stated this was only the second time he had ever had a new pair of shoes. He had always gotten hand me downs from his older brother and they were always too big. I was truly touched by all of the hard work that it took to give all the children a good head start for returning to school. Thank you HOPE for being such a wonderful organization for parents and children in need! 
-K. Ford (Back to School Bash Volunteer) 

A huge thank you goes out to all the donors, volunteers, and organizations that made this event possible.You can view additional photos on HOPE Helps, Inc.'s Facebook page.